Our Vision
People in Africa are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and hunger. Fair Planet seeks to provide them with food security and economic opportunities, by making high-quality vegetable seeds, suitable to local conditions, accessible and affordable to local farmers.
We bridge the current gap between existing high quality seed varieties developed by leading seed companies and transfer technologies and know how to smallholder farmers in Africa.

Fair Planet is a nonprofit organization.
Everything we do, is aimed at the success of smallholder farmers in developing countries.
Our mission
Fair Planet mission is to increase food security and provide new economic opportunities for the millions stuck in poverty.
We are engaged in a unique and long-term technology transfer process - on the one hand, we are facilitating access of smallholder farmers to seed of the highest-quality vegetable varieties suitable for their need, and on the other hand, we are training the farmers to use these seeds with minimal changes to their traditional production.

Our Solution
The Problem
Low Quality Seeds
Local seed varieties are highly susceptible to pests and diseases and the crops have very short shelf life.
High Quality Seeds
Professional high quality seed varieties are resistant to many pests and diseases, the crops are of high quality and long shelf life, minimizing post-harvest losses
Low crop yields
Average yield of tomato crop produced from local seeds is 7,670 Kg / Ha, about 20% of the yield achieved when using high quality seed varieties.
High crop yields
By using better vegetable seeds, local farmers can increase their yield more than 3 times.
Malnutrition & poverty
Daily income for a smallholder farmer is about 1.5$.
Their land is used for subsistence farming,
Climate change and occasional outbreaks of pests, threaten their survival.
Over 7 million people suffer from malnutrition in Ethiopia alone.
Nutrition & Income
Locally produced vegetables allow farmers to benefit from improved nutrition.
The improved yield and better crop quality increase their profit by 8 times.
From producing high quality vegetables in only one season on a small plot of 1000 square meters, smallholder farmers can generate profits that increase their households' annual income by 26%.

Variety trials
We test the productivity and quality of varieties from our partner seed companies in local conditions, using local practices.
By using better seeds, local farmers can increase their yield more than 5 times.
Training farmers
We train hundreds of smallholder farmers to improve their productivity using varieties that showed the best performance in local conditions.
Together with our seed partners, we make sure that their best seeds become accessible to the smallholder farmers in Ethiopia.
extension visits
We visit each model farm every week during the production season, providing recommendations and guidance for crop management.
We train local experts to train smallholder farmers on improved farming practices.
We develop crop production manuals for each crop and region, all in local languages. We collaborate with local Universities and the regional Offices of Agricultural in order to scale our reach and increase the project’s impact.
We demonstrate improved farming practices such as crop rotation, trellising, fertilization, drip irrigation and more.
We believe in the potential of the Ethiopian farmers. We help them build their capacity and reach sustainable economic growth.
High quality seeds are the best means for generating income and exiting the cycle of poverty
Farmers produce 3 times more yield from vegetables
Farmers generate 8 times more profit per plot